nutrient-rich nutrition bars for sustained energy and cognitive power at work
10X FUEL for:
Nutrition acts as the silent partner in every success story at work: the right food choices fuel peak performance. Hence, 10X FUEL is consumed to accomplish more tasks during the day, enhance decision-making, increase focus, allocate more time for other activities, and reduce exhaustion after work.
routed in science - sourced from nature
100% bio certified ingredients
100% plant based formula
0% artificial additives
0% white sugar
100% natural ingredients
All 10X FUEL ingredients are bio-certified. No colorings or any other artifical additives have been added.
why does it work?
The 10X FUEL nutrient-rich formula is designed to provide sustained energy with its complex carbs, enhance alertness through caffeine, alleviate hunger with its high fiber content, and support cognitive functions and brain health.
complex carbs provide a steady flow of energy to the brain
12 all-organic (super-)foods supports overall health and performance
Healthy fats that are important for brain structure and function.
neuroprotective effects and contributors to overall brain health
enhance alertness and cognitive function
Promote satiety aiding longer focus